Offer Still Stands!

I’ve been doing this for over 2 years!  Looks like this promotion is going to last forever.  Which I’m not complaining.  Thank you to all the ones that have made their free money and started their own money tree.


Find a Reload Center!

Click here to find a reload center near you.  Remember you need to activate your card and load $40 on your new debit card.  You will have $60 instantly!

Look at these stats! How much do you think I make?

Don’t believe me…Here’s the live stat link.  I’m just passing the good fortune down.  This is only the last 30 days.

Chat Gadget 6Jun10

Want $20 Free? Over and Over too?

Yes this can be done.  Receive a free debit card and $20 free to spend.  Tell your friends how to get $20 free and receive ANOTHER $20.  Prove me wrong.  See for yourself.  What can YOU do with $20.

There is no limit to the number of referrals a cardholder can make during this promotion. Each referred cardholder must activate the card and then load a minimum of $40.00 onto the card in order for each cardholder to be awarded the $20.00. No referral reward will be awarded to either party if the referred individual is currently or ever was a NetSpend cardholder. Verification will be made when the referred individual provides NetSpend with their social security number.